Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Another 50 innocent civilians killed in Lebanon

If you prefer main stream media coverage on Lebanon, don't watch George Galloway here!!

Israeli air strikes killed more than 50 people yesterday, making it one of deadliest days for Lebanon in the war. And while diplomats wrangle over a UN draft that makes 1000 people killed and more than 915.000 people homeless. CEASE FIRE NOW, STOP THIS MADNESS!


celestialmtn said...

It's all so maddening, senseless and sad all at once.

Jo said...

Queen Noor was on NBC news this morning and she said that 40% of the civilians killed were children. There is no excuse for that. The "big people" have to grow up and stop the nonsense. Any suggestions as to what we can do?

Anonymous said...

The Chimperor's Armageddon vision got a big boost from his Israeli clients.

The problem is, of course, that the Israelis are now having a bit of buyer's remorse and are looking for a way out. This would definitely NOT fit into the Chimperor's lunatic vision.

Unknown said...

there's nothing that the people can do apparently.
we did everything we could think of. vigils, protests, petitions, calls to politicians, even the UN can't do anything, my PM is crying and nobody cares.
we always appreciate the good feelings though.

DA, i loved his inteview. it was like a breather. sadly the bias has crossed nuances and hidden tones in most mainstream media. it's sraight out oppression and complete dehumanization of the lebanese people.

i am joined with a lot of lebanese friends who came to the decision of leaving the US over that.

that's something i figured i could do.

LesleyinNM said...

The news media here is really getting to me. They are so pro Israel. I notice they always say things like 9 Israelis were killed today, but they almost never mention any number on the Lebanese, which any idiot would know is far more.

Unknown said...

lesley, 1000 civilians killed. 1/3 children. 1 million displaced. 3400 injured.

check the lebanese blogs, so many out there, besides our political views, you can see what's happening in terms of death an destruction too.


pissed off patricia said...

I saw the video at another site and loved it. He will not let someone cut him off or change the subject. Good for him!

I feel the same way about Iraq. If we had brought the troops home a year ago look how many lives we would have saved. If we left a year ago, Iraq wasn't nearly the disaster it is today.

All fighting needs to stop and all killing needs to stop until some cooler saner heads can be found.

Tina said...

I am so sick and tired of people in the US calling anyone who expects Israel to actually obey international laws an anti-Semite.
Dimitri, come to my blog and check out a post I have up for Friday, Aug 11.
I actually have a You Tube clip of a Fox News audience member of the "Dayside" show who says this: "I don't even think that Israel is really bombing those Lebanese buildings. I think they are just falling down due to faulty construction."
OMFG... faulty construction???
So... how exactly did those Lebanese buildings stand up to house 1000s of people BEFORE the Israeli bombing took place?
Here's the answer: The Lebanese must have super-duper duct tape or bubble gum that held those buildings together. And they must have REALLY lax building inspectors, too.

enigma4ever said...

The CEASEFIRE should have happened over three weeks ago- this is Insane...and so wrong...and what is with letting Isreal get away with this...in Dafar when Innocents are killed it is genocide....in Lebanon....barely mentioned on MSM news...and if it weren't for all the video on the Blog most Americans would not see any REAL news...or Truth on it...Still ashamed of my country and leadership...

Nerdine said...

It's often the case in war coverage in the news isn't it - that the reporters only have a two week memory. Any conflict that have ended up in war is far more complex than what has happened the last two weeks or even the last two years.
how can any reporter, politician or any one think they have the solution to the problem without taking the history of the problem into consideration.

I don't like watching the news - they never give an unbiased report... But this interview here was refreshing!

AM said...

I still haven't heard this interview yet, guess I am too busy reading unfavourable ones and getting pissed off ...

Endorendil said...

Thanks for that link, Dimitri. I love Galloway, and this was a prime performance.

I do disagree with his solution to the problem.